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2021/8/24 9:53:27  


Tiktok is the user of the traffic.As of August 2020,according to the official tiktok data released,the vibrant day was 600 million active users.This means that China has more than half of its users using tiktok every day.However,in the face of such a large user group,the short video produced by poor quality and assembly line is difficult to catch the attention of users.To solve this problem,star circle customers provide customized services for original content to different businesses,ensure the originality and high quality of video,attract users with high-quality short video content and obtain traffic.



Compared with other dou ,net red shop,account generation operation and other expensive,hard to predict the way of shaking,the star tiktok is more secure and intelligent.It is mainly reflected in real-time data monitoring.Merchants can log in to the background at any time to obtain the latest data and master the dynamics of first-hand users.For MCN institutions or individual merchants,star circle customers provide a series of after-sales services such as professional offline operation guidance,coupon code verification process training,and provide technical support throughout the process.

引导作为国内互联网整合传播的领跑者,致力于创新“互联网 ”时代新媒体营销模式,依托抖音生态自主研发出一套短视频拓客云系统,旨在扶持各行业线下实体门店借助抖音短视频平台进行引流、裂变、转化,打造众客似云来的【千城万店】新生态。


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