福建中立恒自动化设备有限公司 ,公司拥有自营进出口权,长年与欧美,北美等全球知名工业厂商保持稳定的合作关系,代理经销全球知名品牌工业自动化产品,是融合自动化设计改造和销售于一体的高新技术企业。作为工控产品分销商,公司经营产品有:大型DCS系统备件;进口工业机器人备件;大型伺服系统电机驱动器;变频器;传感器;安全栅;编码器;电磁阀;流量计等机械或电气部件产品。
产品应用行业:钢铁厂 化工厂 汽车行业 食品包装 医药 船舶 污水处理 玻璃制造 水泥印刷 建材 造纸等
莫迪康: Quantum?140系列 CPU模块 电源模块 背板 开关量I/O 模拟量I/O 以太网 功能模块 组合式I/O模版 高速计数器模块。
变频器: Premium?TSX系列 CPU模块 电源模块 开关量I/O 模拟量1/O 以太网 功能模块 底板 接线端子 AS系列模块。
Andover Controls Infinity DCX 250 Touch Screen Display Controller Operator Panel
Andover Continuum infiNET II i2867 Terminal Controller Control Pump Fan
Analogue Input/Output Module EATON xioc - 4AI-2AO-U1-I1 I/O Module Analogue I/O
Analog output Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5470-7LB12 Analogue Output Module E-Stand: 0...
Analog output RS system technology Z5-AA25 output module output module 150410050
Analog output EP Erwin Peters Z5-AA25P output module output module 150430050
Analog output EP Erwin Peters Z5-AA25 Output Module Output Module Module 1504100...
Analog Module romutec RAG2121-H0 Analog Sensor Module Module HAND -/notbedienebe...
Analog Module romutec JAG2121-H0 Analog Sensor Module Module HAND -/notbedienebe...
Analog Module Nordson 292287-A Analog Module Control System CS 20 Control System
Analog Module KLOCKNER MOELLER LE4-206-AA2 expansion module Expansion Module
Analog Module KLOCKNER MOELLER LE4-206-AA2 analogue module Expansion Module V:01
Analog Module KLOCKNER MOELLER EM4-102-AA1 Expansion I/O module Expansion Module
Analog modem Kieback & Peter GLT2299 analogue modem connection for DCC system
Analog Meter Fig Ammeter Voltmeter with Square D K1 F037M Switch
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S7 6ES7231-0HC22-0XA0 EM 231 Analog Input Module
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5464-8ME11 Analogue input module E:06
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5464-8ME11 Analogue input module E:03 E:05
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5464-8MD11 Analogue input module E:06
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5464-8MD11 Analogue input module E:02/03
Analog Input Siemens Simatic S5 6ES5464-8MD11 Analogue input module E:02
Analog Input Module RS system technology Z5-AE25 Input Module Analog Input 15040...
Analog Input Module FHF Spark Huster Z5-AE25 Input Module Analog Input 1504000...
Analog Input Module EP Erwin Peters Z5-AE25P Input Module Analog Input 15042005
Analog Input Module EP Erwin Peters Z5-AE25 Input Module Analog Input 150400050
Analog Input Module EATON XN-2AI-U-10-10VDC input module input module for XI/on
Analog Display VDO Pressure Gauge Installation Meter Metre Water Column 0.... 20...
A-M-Systems since 042 Digital in/output modules Bus A/Output Module 16 channels
A-M-Systems S-her 043 Output Module Relay Output Module 16 Channel/Channel n5sc
A-M-Systems S-her 043 Output Module Relay Output Module 16 Channel/Channel
A-M-Systems S-her 042 in/output modules relaisein/Output Module 16 Channel
Ammeter Weigel EQ48 Rotary Iron Tool Electricity Meter 0.... 400A/800A 5A/10A
Ammeter Weigel EQ48 Rotary Iron Tool Electricity Meter 0.... 150A/300A 5A/10A
Ammeter Switcher S?lzer P225-61328-219 Switch Module 2-Pole 25A 11kW 400V
Ammeter DATEL ACA-20PC Digital Current Meter AC Ammeter Current Transformer 19...
Ammeter Current Meter ammeter gauges measuring instrument 96x96mm 0.... 400A 5A
Ammeter Current Meter ammeter gauges measuring instrument 96x96mm 0.... 200A 5A
Ammeter Current Meter ammeter gauges measuring instrument 96x96mm 0.... 100A 5A
Ammeter Analog Current Meter ammeter gauges 96x96mm 0.... 1500A 0.... 1,5kA 5A
Amber SCR 4-w22-3.5-sd Safety Relay safe solutions 24vac inventory buyer
Aluminium chassis Rose A110 Aluminium Housing Aluminum Chassis 125x80x57mm IP66
Aluminium chassis OSI offshore systems AM1 Aluminium Housing Junction Box Juncti...
Alternate Command Module Siemens PTM1.2Y10S-M Positioning Module Analog Out Park...
Alre JSL 20 Air Flow Limiter electronically Control Unit Switch 24v ~ jsl-20
Alpha Control Mitsubishi AL-6MR-A Control Unit Application Controller 100-240V ~
Alltec TVS Board 04388 Modules Board Card from Laser Marker Allmark Al 882 APS
Alltec TVs Adapter Board 9199 Module Board from Laser Marker Allmark Al 882 APS
Alltec Control Board 13542 Processor Module 5263E for Marker Allmark Al 882 APS
Alltec APS Module PN. 13545 Index F modules for Laser Marker Allmark Al 882 APS
Allen Bradley schaltnezteil 1606-XL240E-3 Power Supply AC 3 ~ 240W
Allen Bradley Powerflex 20-COMM-E Ethernet/IP Adapter Network Series B V3.004
Allen Bradley c09 Contactor 24v Moeller 3x LS switch pxl-c4/1 Module 141a-gs54*4...
Allen Bradley 1756-CNBR/D ControlLogix ControlNet Bridge Interface Module Ser. E
Allen Bradley 140m-f8e-c32 motor protection switch engine protect circuit breake...
Allen Bradley 140m-c2e-c16 Motor Circuit Breaker 16a Contactor c12 5,5kw 140-g...
Allen Bradley 140m-c2e-c10 Motor Circuit Breaker 6,3-10a Device Module 140-gs3...
Aligning Ball Bearing Bearings URB 22309k 45x100x36 Ball Bearing Bearings
Alco Tie-MW Thermal Expansion Valve Flange 800 974 Expansion Valve 1/4" x 1/2"
Albrecht young DTL 250 switch disconnectors Fused Disconnect Switch nh1 23w 250a
Alarm Code Display ACD avecs mountains Alarm Code Display Indicator Unit Rev.2
Alarm Code Display ACD avecs mountains Alarm Code Display Indicator Unit 1010204
Alacron almost Video 1 Version 4 Video Board 10020-01501 Rev. 1.3 Video 02-002
Air Flow Limiter Eberle LSW-1 measurement Relay Air Flow Limiter Monitoring Rela...
Air Cylinder Pneumatic Cylinder Cylinder Air Cylinder Bosch Rexroth si575 167-20...
Air Conditioning Cabin Container Compact Air Conditioning Unit Vehicle Roof Air
Air Compressor Gast Air Compressor Pump Compressor Oil-Free 230V 0,12kW 7bar
Air Compressor Gast Air Compressor Pump Compressor Oil-Free 1 ~ 0,12kW 7bar
AEG-ngef time lag device ZR time delay 220V time-delay device Warehouse Clearanc...
AEG UPS Control UPS Controller Panel Panel abe057087 tc1ua 027.d00 x2 x5
AEG Replacement Coil for ls27 SPARE COIL FOR ls27 400v 50hz 75% 4 Pieces Pcs BOX...
AEG PS 451 overcurrent time protection ps451 time overcurrent protective device
AEG PS 441 overcurrent time protection ps441 time overcurrent protective device
AEG PD531 distance protection device distance protection distance protection dev...
AEG NH on-load isolators ltsist 257 fuse switch disconnectors Size 1 250A
AEG NH on-load isolators ltsist 167 Fused Disconnect Switch NH00 160A
AEG MBS 16 Rapid Switch Circuit Breaker 910-202-210 motor protection switch 10-1...
AEG LRS time relay time relay 1,2... 24std. 24v AC/DC 1 Changer 910.346.556.00
AEG LRN time Relay Long Time Relay Voltage Supply 220v 6a 910-346-347-0 30h
AEG KA Analog Meter Installation Tool Kilo Amper Meter 2000/5a 380v 90mmx90mm
AEG ern time relay time relay response delayed 0,5... 10s 220v 6a 910.346.302.01
AEG Elfa TV L illuminated buttons with Signal Lamp 664352 Keys 1p 1mod 16a 23...
AEG e-910-192-251 grip extension Rotary Handle For Key Lock Shaft
AEG Circuit Breakers Mcbs Circuit Breaker Breaker 190.... 250A SALE
AEG Circuit Breakers Mcbs 321 Circuit Breaker Breaker 240.... 320A MCBs 321
AEG Circuit Breakers Mcbs 103 Circuit Breaker Breaker 70.... 100A MCBs 103
AEG circuit approach SB 11 contact block 910-158-072 contact block circuit el...
AEG BLR-CB blind output controller BLR-CB-06m Power Factor Control Relay 380.......
AEG A Analog Meter 900a Installation Tool Amper Meter 750/5a 380v 90mm x90mm
AEG 3 Phase Busbar ev-g.3.9.120 Fork Shoe 546296 3 Phase Busbar OVP
AEG 1 Phase Busbar ev-g1 hi8.70 Fork Shoe 546295 1 Phase Busbar OVP
AEG 1 Phase Busbar ev-g1 hi6.70 Fork Shoe 546251 1 Phase Busbar OVP
AEG 1 Phase Busbar ev-g1.12.70 Fork Shoe 546249 1 Phase Busbar OVP
Adhesive Foil Film 1,37mx50m 120? White High Gloss Shiny Self Adhesive Polymer
Ader Line Norbert Kordes Copper Cable PVC Single Wire Power Cable 35mm? SW 50m
Adamczewski AD TV 411gs Splitter Amplifier Isolation Amplifier Separator convert...
Adamczewski AD MK 200 messkontakter monitoring Adjustable 220v ~ 0-20ma 50ohm ip...
Adamczewski AD MK 200 messkontaker monitoring Adjustable 220v ~ 0-20ma 50ohm ip3...
Actuator Weishaupt 1055/80 Servomotor Actuator Air Flap Actuator 230V
Actuator deufra OA Servomotor Actuator 0,04kW 2,6U/min Swivel Drive 397080
Actuator Danfoss AMV 23 SL Actuator 082G3037 Actuator 3-Point 230V 450N
Actuator Berger Lahr STA30 B1.37/6 2N42 L Servomotor Actuator 230V 30sec 3Nm
Activated Carbon Cartridge Stainless Steel Filter Cartridge 1.4301 Activated Cha...
Activated Carbon Cartridge Stainless Steel Blank Filter Cartridge 1.4301 Activat...
AC/AC Converter Reliance Electric Invertron GMI-S22 Inverter 11kW 23A
AC/AC Converter Reliance Electric Invertron BMI-S04 Inverter 230V 4,5A
AC Throttle Choke Throttle N3 Series 1,65mH Bearing resolution CLEARANCE SALE