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您的当前位置:首页 > 企业资讯 > A16B-2201-0136


2021/11/22 14:21:42  







福建中立恒自动化设备有限公司是一家专业从事全球品牌(DCS系统)(机器人系统)(大型伺服控制系统)模块 备件销售,公司产品内容为分布式控制系统(DCS) 、可编程序控制器(PLC)、 MOTOROLA MVME工业用模组 、工业控制通訊转换器(Anybus) 、远端输出/输入模块(RTU) 、工业电脑(IPC)、 工业用低頻萤幕(IPC) 、人机界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin) AnyBus(Gateway)现已成一家全球性的工业自动化备件及零部件的销售企业。、

主营产品:AB供应产品: 变频器,触摸屏,侗服电机,伺服驱动

PLC: 1771系列 1756系列1746系列 1784系列1785系列 1769系列   1768系列  1794系列等

变频器:PF4系列   PF400系列   PEZ0 系列   PE700 系列   PF7000系列等

触摸屏: 2711系列。PLC,变频器,电源,交换机,板卡,触摸屏,电机

LCD screen LQ150X1LG95 15" 1024*768 90 days warranty


LCD screen FOR LQ150X1LG93 15”1024*768 LED


LCD SCREEN FOR LG LM190WX1-TLL1 90 days warranty

LCD SCREEN FOR KCS057QV1AJ-G32 90 days warranty

LCD screen FOR FLC38XGC6V-06P 15INCH 90 days warranty

LCD Screen Display Touch for TD035STED7 TDO35STED7

LCD Screen Display Panel Repair Parts For AT056TN03 Replacement 90 days warranty

LCD Screen Display Panel LQ121S1LG73 12.1" 90 days warranty

LCD Screen Display Panel LM64183 LM64183P LM64183PR 90 days warranty 1pcs

LCD Screen Display Panel LM32C041 STN5.7 320*240 90 days warranty

Lcd Screen Display K8503DE RLCDT0002CE 4L-U4EB 4LU4EB 60 days warranty

LCD PANEL LTM150XH-L04 TFT 15 1024*768

LCD PANEL LQ10D346 TFT 10.4 640*480 90 days warranty

LCD panel display for TM070RDH10-40 90 days warranty

LCD LTM150XO-L01 15 inch 90 days warranty

LCD LTBHBT357H2CKS NANYA 5.7 320*240 90 days warranty

LCD LMG5320XUFC 7.4 640*480 90 days warranty

LCD KCS3224ASTT-X8-4Y-01 90 days warranty

LCD Display Screen Panel for Panasonic Toughbook CF-18 CF-19


LCD Display Screen FOR LTM150XH-L06 LTM150XHL06 15"TFT LCD

Lcd display screen for 4.3" inch HannStar HSD043I9W1 HSD04319W1

LCD DISPLAY LCD PANEL CJM10C011A TFT10.4 640*480 90 days warranty

LCD CLAA215FA04 21.5" 90 days warranty

LCBFBTB61M24 (MB61BL24A)  LCD Display Panel with 90 days warranty

LCBFBTB61M23  LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LC156LF3L01  15.6" LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LC156LF1L03  LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LC156LF1L02  LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LC151X01-C3P1  15.1-inch 1024?768 LCD Panel 90 days warranty

LC116LF1L01  and original 11.6-inch 1920(RGB)?1080 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

LB150X02-TL01  15.0-inch 1024?768 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

LB121S03-TL04 LB121S03(TL)(04)  12.1 inch 800*600 LCD Screen Panel

LB121S03-TL04  12.1" LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LB121S03-TD01  12.1-inch LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB121S02-A2  and original 12.1 inch LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB104V03-TD01 / LB104V03(TD)(01)  10.4-inch LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

LB104V03-A1  10.4-inch 640*480 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB104V03  10.4-inch 640*480 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB104S01-TL01  10.4 inch LCD Screen with 90 days warranty

LB080WV3(B2) LB080WV3-B2 LCD Screen for Car GPS Navigation System

LB070WV8-SL02  7.0-inch 800?480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty 1pcs

LB070WV8-SL01  7.0-inch 800?480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty 1pcs

LB070WV7-TD01  7.0-inch compatible LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

LB070WV7(TL)(01) LCD Panel Display 60 days warranty

LB070WV6-TD08  7.0" 800?480 a-Si TFT-LCD Panel 90 days warranty

LB070WV4-TD02  7.0-inch 800?480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

LB070WV4-SD01 LB070WV4(SD)(01)  7" LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

LB070WV3-SD02  7.0-inch 800?480 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

LB070WV3-SD01  7.0-inch LCD display panel with 90 days warranty

LB070WV1-TD07  7.0-inch 800?480 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB070WV1-TD03 LB070WV1(TD)(03)  LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB064V02-B1  6.4-inch 640*480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

LB050WQ2-TD03  5.0-inch 480?272 LCD Panel with 90 days warrnty

LB048WV1-TL01  4.8-inch 800?480 LCD Panel Touch Screen

LB048Q01-TD01  4.8-inch 240?257 LCD Panel 90 days warranty

LB040Q04-TD01 / LB040Q04(TD)(01)  4.0-inch LCD Panel Display

LB040Q02-TD05  4.0-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB040Q02-TD02  4.0-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LB040Q02-TD01  4.0-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

LAH25-NP/SP1  LEM current sensor good in condition for industry

LA080WV1-TD01  8.0-inch 800?480 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

LA070WV5-SL01  7.0-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

L5S30479P01  LCD display Panel with 90 days warranty

L5S30335P00  LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

L5S30239P00  LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

L5F30812P00  13.3-inch LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

L5F30515P00  13.3-inch LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KZ-TC4 PLC communication cell good in condition for industry

KZ-C32X Input/output module good in condition for industry

KZ-300 D PLC CPU UNIT good in condition for industry

KV-C32XC KEYENCE PLC INPUT MODULE good in condition for industry

KUKA KRC4 KR C4 00-168-334  8.0" Membrane Keypad Touch Screen

KUKA KRC KRC4 KR C4 00-168-334  8.0-inch Touch Screen Glass

KUKA KRC KRC4 KR C4 00-168-334  8.0-inch keypad protection film

KTP700F Mobile 6AV2 125-2GB23-0AX0 with 90 days warranty

KTP600 6AV6 647-0AC11-3AX0  Touch Screen Glass with 90 days warranty

KTP400 6AV2 124 6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0  4.3" Touch Screen Glass

KTP400 6AV2 124 6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0  4.3" Membrane keyboards

KTP057ABAA-H00 touch screen panel 90 days warranty

KTK062WL  LCD SCREEN PANEL with 90 days warranty

KS3224ASTT-FW-X6-02-17 LCD PANEL With 60 days warranty

KS3224ASTT-FW-X3 5.7inch LCD display 90 days warranty

KS3224ASTT-FW-X20  5.7inch 320*240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KS3224ASTT-FW-X16-36-14  5.7-inch LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

KS3224ASTT-FW-X16  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

KP75(060L117166)  Danfoss temperature controller for industry

KLV-32S550A motherboard 1-878-659-22 good in condition for industry

KHM-230AAA  SONY Laser head for SACD 90 days warranty

KHG062HV1AH-G00 LCD display 90 days warranty

KG104VG1AA-G00 KG104VG1AAG00 10.4" FSTN-LCD PANEL 640*480 VGA 90 days warranty

KG057QVLCD-G050  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QVLCD-G00 KYOCERA 320*240 5.7" LCD 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CF-G050  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CB-G001  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CB-G000  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CB-G00  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G60  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G050  5.7-inch 320?240 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G04  5.7inch 320*240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G03  and original 5.7-inch 320?240 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G00-64-20-10  5.7-inch LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G00-54-15-1 LCD Display Screen 5.7 inch 90 days warranty

KG057QV1CA-G000 KG057QV1CA-G00 LCD Display Screen Module 5.7 inch


上一篇: 7770E-2DA10-C6S
下一篇: 7708E-1DA10-C6S

