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您的当前位置:首页 > 企业资讯 > A20B-2100-0470/04D


2021/11/22 14:23:29  







福建中立恒自动化设备有限公司是一家专业从事全球品牌(DCS系统)(机器人系统)(大型伺服控制系统)模块 备件销售,公司产品内容为分布式控制系统(DCS) 、可编程序控制器(PLC)、 MOTOROLA MVME工业用模组 、工业控制通訊转换器(Anybus) 、远端输出/输入模块(RTU) 、工业电脑(IPC)、 工业用低頻萤幕(IPC) 、人机界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin) AnyBus(Gateway)现已成一家全球性的工业自动化备件及零部件的销售企业。、

主营产品:AB供应产品: 变频器,触摸屏,侗服电机,伺服驱动

PLC: 1771系列 1756系列1746系列 1784系列1785系列 1769系列   1768系列  1794系列等

变频器:PF4系列   PF400系列   PEZ0 系列   PE700 系列   PF7000系列等

触摸屏: 2711系列。PLC,变频器,电源,交换机,板卡,触摸屏,电机

GM6-PAFA  LG PLC Programmable controller good in condition for industry

GM6-CPUA PLC module good in condition for industry

GF10A18-TR-63D  Touch Screen Glass with 90 days warranty

GA-8IDXI d Gigabyte motherboard with ISA slot for industry

G7L-FUEA  PLC Communication module good in condition for industry

G7L-CUEB  PLC Communication module good in condition for industry

G7E-RY08A(G7ERY08A) Expansion Module good in condition for industry

G242CX5R1RC  Replacement 5.5 inch LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G242CX5R1AC  Replacement 5.5 inch LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G242CX5R1AC  LCD Panel with 90 days warranty    

G190ETN01.1  19.0inch 1280?1024 Lcd Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G190ETN01.0  19.0inch 1280?1024 Lcd Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G170ETN01.0  17.0-inch LCD display panel with 90 days warranty

G170EG01 V.0/ V0  17.0-inch 1280*1024 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G156XW01 V302  15.6" LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G156XW01 V2 / G156XW01 V.2  15.6" LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G156XW01 V101  15.6" LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G156XW01 V1  15.6-inch 1366?768 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G156BGE-L01  15.6" 1366*768 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G150XVN01.1  and original 15.0-inch 1024(RGB)?768 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G150XVN01.0 LCD Screen Display panel 90 days warranty

G150XTN06.4  15.0-inch 1024*768 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XTN06.0  15.0-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XTN03.5  15.0 inch 1024?768 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XGE-L07  15" 1024*768 LCD screen panel with 90 days warranty

G150XGE-L04  15.0-inch 1024*768 a-Si TFT-LCD PANEL warranty

G150XG03 V2  15.0-inch 1024?768 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G150XG03 V.1 15" 1024*768 TFT LCD Screen G150XG03 V.1 DISPLAY

G150XG02 V0 / V.0  15.0-inch 1024?768 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XG01 V4  15.0 inch 1024?768 LCD Panel Touch Screen

G150XG01 V3 / V.3  15.0-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XG01 V3 /  V.3 original 15.0 inch LCD Screen Panel

G150XG01 V2 / V.2  15.0-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G150XG01 V.1/V1  15.0-inch 1024?768 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G121XN01 V1 / V.1  1024*768 12.1-inch LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G121XN01 V0 G121XN01 V.0  1024*768 12.1-inch LCD Screen Panel

G121X1-L01  12.1-inch 1024?768 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G121STN01.0  12.1-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G121SN01 V0 / V.0  12.1-inch 800?600 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

G121SN01 V.4/V4  and original 12.1-inch 800?600 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G121SN01 V.3 / V3  12.1-inch 800*600 LCD Panel 90 days warranty

G121AGE-L03  and original 12.1-inch 800*600 a-Si TFT-LCD PANEL

G121AGE-L02  12.1-inch LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G104X1-L03  10.4-inch 1024?768 Industrial LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

G104V1-T01  640*480 10.4"inch LCD Scree 90 days warranty

G104SN03 V2  10.4-inch 800?600 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G104SN03 V.5 / G104SN03 V5  800*600 10.4-inch TFT LED Display Panel

G104SN02 V.2 / V2  10.4-inch 800?600 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

G104SN02 V.1 / V1  10.4-inch 800?600 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

G104AGE-L02  10.4-inch 800*600 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G101STN01.4  10.1-inch 1024?600 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G101ICE-L01  10.1-inch 1280?800 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty 1pcs

G101EVN01.0  10.1-inch 1280?800 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

G084SN05 V3 / V.3  8.4-inch 800?600 LCD Display Panel with 90 days warranty

G084SN05 V.9 / V9  800*600 8.4-inch LCD Sreen Panel 90 days warranty

G084SN05 V.8 G084SN05 V8  800*600 8.4-inch LCD Sreen Dispay

G084SN05 V.4 G084SN05 V4  800*600 8.4-inch LCD Sreen Dispay

G084SN05 V.0 8.4"800*480 LCD screen display 90 days warranty

G084SN03 V1 / V.1  8.4-inch 800?600 LCD Display Panel with 90 days warranty

G084SN03 V.3 / G084SN03 V3  8.4 inch 800*600 LCD PANEL 90 days warranty

G080Y1-T01  8.0 inch 800*480 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G070Y3-T01 LCD Display Screen With 90 days warranty

G070Y2-L01  Original A grade 800*480 7-inch TFT LCD Screen Panel

G070VW01 V0/V.0  7.0 inch 800*480 LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G070VTN01.0  7.0-inch 800*480 LCD Panel with 90 days warranty

G065VN01 V2 G065VN01 V.2  6.5-inch Industrial TFT - LCD screen panel

G065VN01 V1/V.1  6.5-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G065VN01 V.0 G065VN01 V0 6.5" LCD Screen Display 90 days warranty

G057VTN01.0  5.7inch 640?480 LCD Display Panel with 90 days warranty

G057VN01 V2 LCD Display Screen With 90 days warranty

G057VGE-T01  and original 5.7inch 640*480 LCD Screen 90 days warranty

G057QTN01.0  5.7-inch LCD Panel 90 days warranty

G057QN01 V2  5.7inch 320*240 LCD Screen Panel 90 days warranty

G057AGE-T01  5.7-inch LCD Screen Panel with 90 days warranty

G043FTT01.0  4.3-inch 480?272 LCD Display Panel 90 days warranty

FXOS-14MR-001 FX0S-14MR-001 good in condition for industry

FXON-8ER-ES/UL FX0N-8ER-ES/UL PLC module for industry

FX4L-I  Subtraction operator counter/timer for industry

FX1S-10MT-001  PLC programmable controller for industry

FX1N-2EYT-BD PLC communication extended board for industry

FX050701DWSWJGL1  5.7-inch 640*480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

FX050701DWSWJG08  5.7inch 640*480 LCD Panel 90 days warranty

FX050701DSSWBG03  5.7-inch 640*480 LCD PANEL with 90 days warranty

FVR0.4C11S-2 Inverter 220V 0.4KW good in condition for industry

FVR0.2C11S-2 INVERTER FVR E9S 0.2KW/220V for industry

FT-AS00-10.4-AV Touch Screen Glass 10.4" 90 days warranty

FSP300-60PLN  power supply module for industry

FSC-1613VN Ver:B2 Industrial motherboard good in condition for industry

FS9029 Power Supply Module for industry  with 60 days warranty

FR-PU07  inverter control panel good in condition for industry

FR-PU02-1 inverter control panel good in condition for industry

Free Shipping  PCU-P154E CXA-0370 for TDK LCD Inverter 90 days warranty

Free shipping  LCD Screen Display M214CP1A with 90 days warranty

FR-E540-0.75K-CH INVERTER 380V 0.75KW for industry

FR-A024-0.2K 220V 0.2KW inverter good in condition for industry

FP-X L30 programmable controller for industry  60 days warranty

FPO-C16CT FP0-C16CT programmable controller for industry

FPO-C14RS/FP0-C14RS(AFP02223) PLC good in condition for industry

FP2-SDU AFP2460 PLC communication module for industry

FP1-E8 AFP13810-F expansion unit good in condition for industry

FP0-C16T(AFP02343) programmable controller for industry

FP0-C10CRS programmable controller good in condition for industry

FOR Touch Screen Glass P/N:E391072 SCN-A4-FLT05.7-001-0H1-R

FOR TK-02 NRX0100-1701R touch screen

For Tianma 6.2" inch LCD Car Display TM062RDS01

FOR MT8070IH TK8070IH MT8070IH2 touch screen Glass 90 day warranty


上一篇: AC216MDG18T
下一篇: 125P2635-2

