供应N1912A仪器专家N1912A,Agilent N1912A
厂商名称 : 是德科技 Keysight产品型号 : N1913A产品名称 : 功率计
Key Features & Specifications
Frequency range of 9 kHz to 110 GHz (sensor dependent)
Wide dynamic range of -70 to 44 dBm (sensor dependent)
Speed improvement by 2X for E-Series sensors: up to 400 readings/sec
Go beyond GPIB with LAN LXI-C and USB connectivity
Code-compatible with E4418B, E4419B power meters*
Code-compatible with 436A, 437B and 438A power meters (option 200)
Increased measurement channels: up to three channels with two additional U2000 Series power sensors connected using the optional USB hosts
Automated frequency/power sweep measurements with the optional external trigger in/out feature
Consistent results and greater capability
Get repeatable and reliable results for bench/rack and field applications with the N1913A and N1914A EPM series power meters. These power meters offer a measurement speed of up to 400 readings/second for fast, accurate average power measurements, and come with the industry’s first color LCD screen in an average power meter, allowing you to view and analyze test data more easily. A noteworthy enhancement from the conventional dual-channel power meter, EPM Series power meter enables four-channel power measurement by connecting U2000 Series USB power sensors via optional USB host. Connect U2000 Series USB power sensors to the EPM Series power meters via the optional USB hosts and get up four channels for power measurements.
Code compatibility with legacy power meters
Designed as versatile, user friendly replacements for the legacy Keysight EPM series power meters, the N1913A and N1914A are code compatible with the E4418B and E4419B EPM series*. The N1913A and N1914A are also code compatible with the 436A, 437B and 438A power meters with the N191xA-200 options.
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