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您的当前位置:首页 > 企业资讯 > FIL算力挖矿APP开发


2021/5/25 14:53:06  



  我们做个对比,BTC挖矿购买的矿机算力是不变的,买了矿机接入互联网之后,每天产生多少币是个固定的值;而FIL是存储挖矿,FIL的算力是根据封装了多少有效数据来计算的,今天封装了1 T,算力就是1 T,而且算力还在不断积累。

Fil is storage mining. According to how much data it actually encapsulates, miners submit replication proof to the chain, so as to obtain effective computing power (effective memory). The higher the effective computing power, the greater the probability of miners getting block rewards. The greater the calculation power, the greater the right or probability of getting block packing. Here are the parameters of winning ticket rate and block out rate. The winning rate is the probability of winning votes, and the block rate is the probability of winning block awards.

Let's make a comparison. The computing power of mining machines purchased by BTC mining is unchanged. After the mining machines are connected to the Internet, the amount of money generated each day is a fixed value; Fil is used to store and mine. The calculation power of fil is calculated according to how much effective data is encapsulated. Today, with 1 t encapsulated, the calculation power is 1 T, and the calculation power is still accumulating.


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